When the country locked down earlier in the year, I felt this was something that would be quick. I remember speaking to a friend in New York, then the epicenter, and she mentioned that she did not think we would be back in school by Fall. I was speechless. Months later she was partially right.
Ah the leaves, the colors, the pumpkin spice lattes….this is Fall in America….here in South Florida, not so much. Yes, yes, year round palm trees and perma tans are fab, but the soul needs a little Autumn (especially this year) to feel at least a sweet sense of renewal. Enter transitional dressing and my tips on how to achieve it, no matter where you live.
Hope you read that in the way of Montel Jordan’s hit song because that’s the energy that we all need right now. I referring to NOW as, in the most unprecedented year in our lifetime, a year that although it seemed to joylessly drag forever, is finally coming to a close. The same goes for the lockdown. Ready or not life goes on.